Watch The Swing Jacket Deliver Results In Real Time
The Swing Jacket is so effective we’re the only golf equipment company that shows you the before, during & after shots as golfers try the Swing Jacket for the first time. The results you see here are typical but please understand that your results will be unique to you. Imagine how you’d feel if you get results like this your first your time out.
What Do Tour Pros Think?
Tom Pernice Jr. has been training with the Swing Jacket since 2001 when he began to work with renowned Master PGA Instructor, Jim Hardy. As Tom says, “with the Swing Jacket you know you’re working on the right things.”
Persistent Slice – Chicken Wing
Al’s weak slice had plagued him for decades. He’d tried everything to fix it. After a few practice swings he hit 10 shots while using the Swing Jacket. He not only fixed his slice, he added 30-50 yards to every drive.
Blocks or Snap Hooks - Outside-In
“Every teacher told me something different. I had so much on my mind I never seemed to improve. When I tried the Swing Jacket I could feel what I’m supposed to do. My body memorized the swing after only a few shots.”
Uncontrollable Push Slice
Lonnie was in the dirt so often his pals called him ‘Pig Pen’. His first few shots using the Swing Jacket were really bad. Watch as his violent slice disappears and he gains 100 yards and 80% accuracy when his body automatically adapts to the Swing Jacket.
Inside-Out Over-the-top Slicer
Ken had tried everything to cure his weak slice. He was convinced the Swing Jacket would disappoint like everything else. 3 swings later he’d added 40 yards and a subtle, accurate draw. He was shocked the Swing Jacket was so effective.
How Swing Jacket Fixes Slices
Top instructor Dave Bisbee explains the importance of connection and how the Swing Jacket makes it easy to eliminate any slice. This a quick guide to the cause and effect of a slice simplifies swing fundamentals.
Senior Golfer Losing Distance
Like a lot of senior golfers, Don still had the strength and flexibility but had been losing distance for years. We used a TourStop on his Swing Jacket to teach him better rotation. He hit the longest drive of his life after only 10 minutes with the Swing Jacket.
Over Swinging – Inconsistency
Brydon left his driver at home because he couldn’t control it. We loaned him ours. The Swing Jacket with TourStop technology tightened up his backswing AND taught him to release the club properly. After a few swings the driver was his new favorite club.
Inside-Out Poor Release
Ian M. had no idea what he was doing right or wrong. Like a lot of golfers his disconnected swing led to inconsistency and frustration. A TourStop on the through swing taught him to stay connected and release the club. He was shocked at how easy it was to fix his game.
The Best Value Proposition in Golf
The Swing Jacket costs about the same as a couple of lessons from your local teaching pro, a new hybrid or the latest pitching wedge.
Unlike those other items the Swing Jacket could cut your handicap in half in less than 10 rounds and it comes with an Unconditional 60 Day Great Swing Guarantee
If you don’t see dramatic, Holy Cow, results immediately you can return it for a full refund.
This Special Package includes:
The Latest Swing Jacket Tour Pro Edition PLUS
- Swing for Life Training Video
- Accelerator Video (Easy Online Access)
- Tour Stop Technology
- Carrying Bag
- Support From our Expert Teaching Staff
- Great Swing Guarantee
- Free Shipping