Top Golf Instructors and Pro Reviews
"I've never seen results like this before"
“The miraculous thing to me is seeing such a diverse collection of golfers put on the Swing Jacket and all get immediate results . . .”
Jeff Ritter, Top 50 PGA Instructor
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Click above to watch video
“You Know Your Working on the Right Things”
On the range at the Barclay’s Championship. “When you’re in the Swing Jacket you know your mechanics are proper. . . . For me the Swing Jacket has been unbelievable. My ball striking stats have gotten tremendously better . . .”
Tom Pernice,
PGA Tour Player
“Great resource to simplify things”
“I’m always trying to accelerate the pace of learning for my students. . . the Swing Jacket is a great resource to communicate the correct feel. It takes away a lot of hitting balls . .."
Donald Crawley
Top 100 Golf Magazine Instructor,
Boulders Golf Resort, Cave Creek, AZ
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Changing any motor skill, like the golf swing, is very difficult. With the Swing Jacket golfers do not have to think about mechanics . . . they just have to swing and the Swing Jacket will keep them on the correct path.”
Bob McArthur
Canadian PGA Teacher of The Year, Heritage Pointe Golf Club

“I just wanted you to know that I have started using your product as a teaching aid about 3 weeks ago and my students have been getting results faster than any other teaching aid I have ever used.
I thought this might be something you would like to hear.”
Bob Gruber
Head Golf Professional, Riomar Country Club, Vero Beach, FL

“I’ve been a PGA Teaching Professional for over thirty years and have taught over 100,000 students around the world from all walks of life. Normally, I tell my students that feel ain’t real since what they feel they are doing and what they really are doing aren’t the same, as evidenced by the videos of them that I take and show them. Golf isn’t all that natural a game; if it were, the best golfers in the world would be the decathlon performers since they are the best athletes in the world, it is more of a learned, acquired skill! You folks have created the best learning device that I have ever encountered since it does allow the student to feel the correct motion and gives them immediate feedback…in this case, feel is real! Keep up the good work!!!”
Dan Pasquariello
Associate Director, Pebble Beach Golf Academy
“The most common fault of golfers is separating their arm from their body on the back swing. The Swing Jacket makes that impossible. You will have firmer and smoother contact the ball than you ever have in your life! I’ve seen them all and this is the most effective product I’ve worked with.
James Christy
International Golf, Glendale, CA
“The Swing Jacket and Jim Hardy’s training tape perfectly compliment everything that I teach and gives my students the perfect practice tool when I am not around.”
Roger Ide
Perfect Golf Swing, Mesa, AZ
“The BEST connection device available today! It has helped each and every person I have put it on.“
Erix Schneller
Director of Golf, The Ridge Club,
S. Sandwich, MA
“With the Swing Jacket everything works in unison just the way the golf swing is supposed to work. You’ll hit the ball straighter, farther and more consistently than ever.
Lance Antonenko
Assistant Professional,
Earl Grey Country Club
“I have been teaching for over 10 years and I’ve never seen anything that can deliver these kinds of results. Buy all the clubs you want but the Swing Jacket will make you a much better player way faster.
Ken Conroy
Head Professional, Springbank Links
Country Club, Calgary, Canada
“Thank you for the addition of the Swing Jacket to my battery of training aids,
I believe in it and get true positive results in all of my students. As you know their are so many gimmicks out their, over the years it causes skepticism, your product actually does what few can it truly creates the proper feeling
Randy Woodruff
Teaching professional, Jefferson Hills, PA
“As a teacher there is only one way to teach the golf swing and that is through feel.
All of the students I have put the Swing Jacket on are sold the minute they make a couple of swings.
They look at me and say “AaHa I got it!”
Scott Orban
Head Professional, McKenzie Meadows
Golf Club
“Ultimately, the golf swing is a feeling and the Swing Jacket imposes that feeling immediately!
You don’t have any choice but to learn the golf swing when you put the Swing Jacket on.
Gary Haykin
Teaching Professional, Los Angeles, CA.